
Title: Viața la gerunziu
Publishing House: Alfa, Piatra-Neamț (Romania)
Year of publication: 2024
Genre: Poetry
Language: Romanian


coperta 1

Title: Hybris sau Moartea porumbelului (in English: Hybris or The Death of the Pigeon)
Publishing House: Alfa, Piatra-Neamț (Romania)
Year of publication: 2015
Genre: Prose
Language: Romanian


Imperialism versus Exceptionalism - The Sources of US Foreign Policy at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century

Title: Imperialism versus Exceptionalism. The Sources of U.S. Foreign Policy at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century
Publishing House: Princeps Edit, Iași (România)
Year of publication: 2010
Genre: Political discourse analysis
Language: English


The Fundaments of American Exceptionalism in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Title: The Fundaments of American Exceptionalism in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Publishing House: Princeps Edit, Iași (Romania)
Year of publication: 2009
Genre: Culture and civilization, Political history
Language: English


The Third Way in Politics - Alternative to the Alternatives

Title: The Third Way in Politics: Alternative to the Alternatives
Publishing House: Princeps Edit, Iași (Romania)
Year of publication: 2008
Genre: Political Science
Language: English


Amprente de sticla

Title: Amprente de sticlă (in English: Glass Prints)
Publishing House: Princeps Edit, Iași (Romania)
Year of publication: 2007
Genre: Poetry
Language: Romanian


Memoria gestului viitor

Title: Memoria gestului viitor (in English: The Memory of the Future Gesture)
Publishing House: Princeps Edit, Iași (Romania)
Year of publication: 2007
Genre: Poetry
Language: Romanian


Viata. Manual de utilizare - Life. User's Guide

Title: Viața. Manual de utilizare / Life. User’s Guide
Publishing House: Princeps Edit, Iași (Romania)
Year of publication: 2006
Genre: Poetry
Language: Romanian, English


Asteptarea Unei

Title: Așteptarea Unei (in English: Una’s Wait)
Publishing House: Alfa, Piatra-Neamț (Romania)
Year of publication: 2005
Genre: Short prose
Language: Romanian


Uneori, speranta moare in zori

Title: Uneori, speranța moare în zori (in English: Sometimes, Hope Dies at Dawn)
Publishing House: Alfa, Piatra-Neamț (Romania)
Year of publication: 2005
Genre: Poetry
Language: Romanian
